I would like to display my past work first. In high school, i explored the Epic of Gilgamesh. I grew interested in it when i first read it as a freshman for some social studies class, nothing special, just read a few anecdotes out of it here and there. But i was amazed by the way history could be stored and saved through time. This story is ancient, and i was amazed by its longevity through time, and how it still has meaning to people to this day. I was always amazed how all stories come to, how true events become word of mouth, and are passed down through generations of people, the stories always to be kept within their minds.
I picked it up again as a senior in comparative religion. We finally read it all the way through in class (my freshmen year after reading the anecdotes i just took it out of the library to read) and i was amazed at the philosophical meaning within the book. I couldn't help but compare what it said about life and death to modern man's own idea of life and death. To me, it was kind of similar. After this i was inspired to create a work of art that would tell the epic of Gilgamesh. Because i was to do this visually, i chose to create a 60 foot mural that would encompass the whole epic tale in one flowing work. scenes bend and twist into each other, creating a smooth transition from one scene of the story to another.