Thursday, January 7, 2010

The prints of architectural human anatomy... and things to come

Alright so architectural human anatomy does not actually mean anything, but it would be the best phrase to explain what this series is really about. After creating the first plate (the first image on this post with the big tower) i began to use my imagination to create a dynamic series of copper plate etchings. These following prints are what I see them as the functioning machine and architectural properties of the large, slightly archaic and ruined tower that is depicted in the first plate. The following images are the foundations, the structure, or key components that make the tower a living construct. Which is why I chose to illustrate the subject of each plate as a "body part" of the tower. When you see the images, and their titles, you will understand how each image could be an aspect of the tower.
The real goal for me in the process of making these prints was to get better at creating value that would relate to the space in the imagery. I also meant to focus on keeping a constant theme that would let the viewer easily relate each print to each other. Being able to create a certain atmosphere that was consistent was something i wished to work on as well. Through using certain objects consistently in the imagery, like the tubes and wires or the building block like architecture helped me link theme and atmosphere more easily.

I find printmaking, and specifically copper etching, to be a medium that lets me illustrate and give way to a consistant style in mood and artwork for the future. I also think copper etching could be a unique medium in a world of illustration that is always craving for something new. This series is just the beginning, where i am starting to learn how to create and control a world, and hopefully take this control to the next level, by creating a narrative or some form of storyline by the printmaking i am doing.

alright as much fun as i am having with all the fine art and school work, its time to show what i've been thinking about (constantly) on my own time. Its called Skinwalker, a comic ive been doing concept/ character design drawings for on my own time about a Native American tribe that practices a shamanistic ritual called skinwalking, where they cover themselves in animal hides, and through ritualistic dances and drumming, they enter the spirit of the said animal hide they are wearing, and gains the animals attributes. for example a wolf; fast on foot and very stealthy indeed. Through the shaman ritual, a shaman can enter and gain these attributes. so here is an image i just finished inking today of a shaman in wolf hides, wounded in the chest with a bullet.